

已完结 / / 战争片 /罗马尼亚,匈牙利 / 2023


Sibiu ’89 reenacts a lesser-known story about those days of violent civil unrest that led to a bloody confrontation between the army forces and Ceau?escu’s instruments of repression, the Militia and the Secret Police. Following rumours and disinformation about so-called “terrorists” attacking soldiers and civilians, panic and chaos ensue. No one is to be trusted, everyone could...


  • 天空2023 4.0 天空2023
    2023 战争
    简介:  Young female fighter pilots arrive to the frontline. They have different stories and different fates. They are getting older, falling in love and lose their closest ones as well as take their place in the world of men. The air has become their home. However, at war no one knows whose fate is to live and who is doomed to die.
  • 战火中的小狐狸 6.0 战火中的小狐狸
    2022 战争
    简介:  在战争开始时,内向的年轻士兵弗兰兹发现了一只受伤的狐狸幼崽,小狐狸在树林中孤苦无依的样子,让他仿佛看见了从小被父亲卖去农场主家的自己。他像照顾自己的孩子一样照顾它,并带到了被占领的法国。在养育狐狸的过程中,弗兰兹一直逃避的过去慢慢追上了他,是选择继续逃避这些伤心的回忆,还是直面它,弗兰兹陷入了深深的纠结。
  • 谢尔沙 6.0 谢尔沙
    2021 战争
    简介:  This is a story of a PVC awardee brave Indian soldier - Capt. Vikram Batra, who shot to fame and became a household name during the Kargil War in 1999. His indomitable spirit and his unflinching courage in chasing the Pakistani soldiers out of Indian territory contributed immensely in India finally winning the Kargil War in 1999.
  • 热雪 2.0 热雪
    1974 战争
    简介:  根据苏联作家尤里·邦达列夫(Yuri Bondarev)的同名小说改编。  在小说和电影中,苏军军级指挥部的运筹帷幄与连排级反坦克炮兵的近距离作战并列穿插,是苏联六十年代后期战争文学中“全景写作”的体现。  小说与影片的焦点都集中于战争的代价:为阻止曼施泰因的坦克集群向斯大林格勒方向的突破,数个反坦克炮兵连必须被牺牲。影片开场时,反坦克炮连的官兵们在车站休息,即将向前线调防,他们并不知道,自己的命运已经在指挥部的棋盘上注定......
  • 王牌飞行员和侦察兵 7.0 王牌飞行员和侦察兵
    2022 战争
  • 密战 2.0 密战
    2017 战争
    简介:  淞沪会战后上海沦陷,地下工作者林翔(郭富城 饰)受命来到危机四伏的上海,重建惨遭敌人破坏的地下抗日战线。在这里他遇到单纯却很有正义感的兰芳(赵丽颖 饰),这对临时组成的“地下党夫妇”将在战火纷飞中,携手与日本侵略者及伪政府特务展开惊险刺激的生死较量……


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